En voinut olla neulomatta, joten aloitin baskerin tekemisen. Onpahan jotakin tekemistä joulunpyhiksi.
tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2009
Työkalupussi ja jotakin neulottua/Tool roll and something knitted
En voinut olla neulomatta, joten aloitin baskerin tekemisen. Onpahan jotakin tekemistä joulunpyhiksi.
tiistai 15. joulukuuta 2009
Joulupukin apulaisena/A helping hand for Santa Claus
perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2009
Lokakuun sukkia/Socktoberfest results
The second pair was from the Novita's www-page. The pattern is called Liekki "flame".
Puikot/Needles: 4.0 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Gjestal Janne
tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2009
It is a little bit strange that even if I have a closets full of different kinds of yarns I still need to buy new yarn. It seems that the old yarns in stock never fit to the new projects. I visited the local yarn shop last weekend and bought yarns for Christmas presents.
Tästä Janne-langasta pitäisi tulla Liekki- sukat. Kuvio on mahtava, harmi vain, ettei langasta ollut saatavilla vielä kirkkaampaa oranssia. Näillä väreillä kuitenkin mennään ja eiköhän näistä hyvät tule.
Toinen ostos oli käsinvärjätty Zitron Trekking. Lanka näyttää aivan ihanalta. Tätä lankaa olisi tarkoitus käyttää konttineuleen harjoitteluun ja tehdä siitä kaulahuivi.
sunnuntai 4. lokakuuta 2009
Helmiä ja enemmän helmiä/Beads and more beads
I was in the bead jewellery course this weekend. The course was once again (this was my second time) excellent and you can find the results below. The next course will be held already next February and at least I have so many ideas that I didn't have time to start that I'm almost forced to take the next course.
Tämän kurssin suosikkini, sydänriipus/My favorite of this course: Heart necklace
Vaaleanpunainen rannekoru/Pink bracelet
Jotakin harmaata ja mustaa/Something black and grey
sunnuntai 13. syyskuuta 2009
Upea huivi upeasta langasta/A gorgeous scarf from a gorgeous yarn
Tiesin heti, että minun pitäisi käyttää Silk Blendiä tähän huiviin.
Olen tehnyt huivista vasta 1/4 -osan, mutta se näyttää jo nyt upealta. Tämä on juuri oikeanlainen projekti, sillä lähiaikoina matkustan paljon ja tämän saa sopivasti käsimatkatavaroihin mukaan.
I have many times admired the Silk Blend Yarn from Manos del Uruguay and almost every time I have managed to not to buy the yarn. Until I found the star stitch scarf called Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks. Instantly I knew that I had to use Silk blend for this pattern.
I have made only 1/4 of the scarf, but altready now it looks gorgeous. This is just the right project for me right now, because I will travel during the two following weeks and this project I can take with me without problems.
Projektitietoa/Project info
Malli/Pattern: Holding hands, Feeding Ducks by Beforesunrise
Lanka/Yarn: Manos del Uruguay Silk blend from Secretwool
Puikot/Needles: 4.0
sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2009
Hello Kitty hattu pienelle tytölle/Hello Kitty Hat for a little girl
Muutokset alkuperäiseen ohjeeseen: 1) Hattu: loin 92 s, 9 krs resoria, aloitin kavennukset kun pipon korkeus oli 12 cm. 2) Korvat: loin 24 s, aloitin kavennukset 9 krs:n jälkeen
Little girls, including my 4 years old, usually love everything that has Hello Kitty figure in it. I wanted to knit something for my daughter and I found from Ravelry very quickly what I was looking for. I made few changes to the pattern and I got a very nice hat for the Autumn. I used Panda yarn from "Kauhavan Kangas-Aitta" for the hat. The yarn was lovely to knit and the outcome is beautiful.
Modifications to the origianl pattern: 1) Hat: Cast on 92 sts, made 9 rounds of rib, started cast offs when the height of the hat was 12 cm. 2) Ears: cast on 24 sts, made 9 rounds before cast offs.
Ohje/Pattern: Hello Kitty by Beadwhore
Puikot/Needles: 4 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Panda
Langankulutus/ Yarn consumption: 1 kerä/skein, 50 grams
HUOM: Olisi ollut parempi luoda 96 silmukkaa, jotta kavennukset olisivat tulleet tasavälein, mutta huomasin tämänliian myöhään. Kaikesta huolimatta hattu näyttää hyvältä.
NB: It would haven been better to cast on 96 (instead of 92), in order to get cast offs evenly, but I noticed this too late. Nevertheless, the hat looks nice.
maanantai 27. heinäkuuta 2009
Paketti salaiselta ystävältä/A package from a secret friend
I took part to the yarn exchange group in Ravelry for the very first time and
I didn't have the faintest idea, how everything works. Luckily the group moderators gave good advices that a freshman like me managed to do everything right. The idea was to send to the secret partner some yarn and something self made, all in her favorite color/colors. I got the package from my friend last Friday and I really love what it contained.
I received dyed sock yarns, needles for Magic Loop technique, chocolate and beautiful socks. Furthermore, I had already received one knitting book ealier.
My secret partner was Kramox! Thanks to you! This was a very nice experience and I think I will participate toanother yarn exchange group in the future.
sunnuntai 12. heinäkuuta 2009
Sadepäiviä/Rainy days
Sukat sopivat hyvin jalkaan ja uusi lankatuttavuus Jitterbug oli aivan ihanan tuntuinen neuloa ja vielä paremman oloinen valmiissa sukassa. Näitä sukkia kelpaa pitää ensi syksynä.
ribbed socks. The socks are very comfortable and the new yarn I found, Jitterbug from Colinette, feels wonderful to knit and it feels even better in the finished socks. I will defenitely wear these socks next autumn.
Projektitietoa/Project info
Lanka/Yarn: Jitterbug by Colinette
Puikot/Needles: 2.5
Langankulutus/Yarn Consumption: 100 g
tiistai 30. kesäkuuta 2009
Yksi ranteeseen ja toinen kaulaan/One jewelry to wrist and another to neck
My friend surprised me and sent me a very pleasant birthday gift. I got a pattern, beads and jewelry thread for a bracelet. Pearls were all different shades of violet and the bracelet turn out gorgeous. The pattern was simply and I made this bracelet during one children TV program, approximately in half an hour. All the supplies were from Helmimeri, Tampere.
Helmet, lanka, lukot: Helmimeri
Onnistunut rannekoru ja uusi paita saivat minut innostumaan uuden kaulakorun tekemisestä. Päätin käyttää koruun vanhoja,viime syksynä ostettuja helmiä.
The bracelet and the new shirt of mine inspired me to make another jewelry. I decided to make a neclace from the old pearls I bought last autumn.
Projektitiedot/Project data
keskiviikko 17. kesäkuuta 2009
Puikoille paikka, johon mennä/A case for needles to go
The sad thing making this project is that I have to let go of it. When I started this project I decided to send the first finished version to my yarn change friend from Ravelry. The happy thought is that this needle case was a wish from my Ravelry friend so it should be a pleasent surprise. This also means that I can make another needle case from another beautiful fabric.
perjantai 5. kesäkuuta 2009
Tiskirätti leikkimökkiin/Dishcloth to chilren's playhouse
Malli/Pattern: Waffle Knit Dishcloth by Deb
tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2009
Toppi kesäksi/Petal halter for Summer
Luin Ravelrysta kanssaneulojien kertomuksia tämän topin tekemisestä ja sen vuoksi päätin tehdä yhtä kokoa pienemmän topin, mitä normaali kokoni olisi.
This pattern looked so interesting and extraordinary that I had to search for the right yarn and start this project.I didn't understand the Eastern cast on method, but my friend told me try the provisional cast on. It was a brilliant tip!
Projektitietoa/Project info
torstai 7. toukokuuta 2009
Hupparin valmistujaiset/The graduation of the hoodie
My daughter's Robin Hood jacket is ready and the outcome is absolutely lovely. My daughter wanted immediately to wear it and luckily I managed to take few pictures before she climbed to the three and jumped to the sandheap. Well, cloths are made for using and I'm glad the owner of this jacket thinks that the jacket suits for playing.
Since the yarn I chose was thin I had to add extra sticthes to the each side of the back, front and sleeve parts. I also had to repeat cable pattern more often than in the original pattern. I made following modifications to the pattern:
Takakappale/Back: +3 s kumpaankin reunaan/+3 s to each side
Projektitietoa/Project info
torstai 30. huhtikuuta 2009
Finally I found the solution for blocking my knittings. Also my kids are happy with this. It suits perfectly for playing as well as for blocking my knittings. I found this chilrend's hopscotch mat from the local Biltema store.
Hyppymatto on tehty vaahtomuovista ja siihen saa helposti neuleen kiinnitettyä.
lauantai 11. huhtikuuta 2009
Neulontakirjojen inventaario/Inventory of my knitting books
I have always tought that I have just just few knitting books, but the truth came into daylight when I was cleanning my bookself. I had almost 30 knitting books, but I had knitted something only four of them. Over this statistic I can't help thinkin, why in the earth I'm buying these books? The problem seems to be that I don't have enough time and there are too many lovely knitting patterns in the world. I just can't decide what to do next. Altought I have all these books I'm waiting two books from Amazon: Sock Innovation and Marianne Isager's Japanese Inspired Knits. It is true, isn't it that that one can't ever have too many books?
Neulontakirjat, jotka löysin tällä siivouskerralla/Knitting books I found during this cleanning day:
tiistai 31. maaliskuuta 2009
Äiti, miksi et neulo minulle mitään?/Mom, why don't you knit something for me?
My four year old daughter wondered why I'm knitting only for myself. She asked if I could knit something for her too? And why not? Actually, I prefer to knit for my children because the tiny jackets and hats will usually be ready quite quickly. I looked through all my knitting books and found a lovely Robin Hood jacket pattern from Zoë Mellor's book Adorable knits for Tiny Tots. I started to knit this jacket two weeks ago and now the back piece is ready. I love to knit cables, so this is the perfect pattern for me. I hope my daughter likes the finished jacket.
Projektitietoa/Project info
Malli/Patter: Robin Hood jacket by Zoë Mellor
Lanka/Yarn: Hjerte Garn's Roma
Puikot/Needles: 4
sunnuntai 22. maaliskuuta 2009
Näkemiin Shalomille/Goodbye to Shalom cardigan
The Shalom cardigan is ready and now I have to confess that I'm not very happy with the result. My cardigan seems tobe quite small and then I managed to make too large button holes. The pattern itself is great and the errors made are my own. So, I can't do else than admire what I have done. I will try to save this project by sewing some extra stitches behind the button holes and if it does not work I can always buy larger buttons...
sunnuntai 15. maaliskuuta 2009
Shalom cardigan
Löysin Ravelryn sivujen kautta mielenkiintoisen ilmaisohjeen, jota oli pakko kokeilla. Ohje oli vain koolle Small/Medium ja jouduin hieman soveltamaan, mutta eiköhän tästä tule ihan pidettävä liivi. Tämä oli ensimmäinen ylhäältä alas kudottava neuletyö ja homma eteni alkuhämmästelyn jälkeen aika nopeasti.
Tein seuraavat muutokset:
- Aloitus 73 silmukalla
- 3 napinläpeä
- Lisäyskset: 1) 73 s --> 117 s, 2) 117 -->145 s, 3) 145 -->183 s
- Vartalo: molemmat etukpl:eet 30 s, takakpl 53 s ja molemmat hihat 35 s + 21 poimittua s kädetien ja takakpl:een reunasta.
I found from Ravelry a very interesting pattern for free and I instantly knew I have to try it. The pattern was for size Small/Medium and I had to make some modifications. I think the outcome will be ok, despite the modifications. This was the first time I ever tried a top-down knitting pattern and after the amazement in the beginning of the project everything has gone smoothly.
- casted on 73 stiches
- made 3 button holes
- increases: 1) from 73 s to 117 s, 2) from 117 to 145 s, 3) from 145 to 183 s
- Body: both fronts 30 s, back 53 s and both sleeves 35 s + 21 cast on stiches on underarm and back
Projektitietoa/Project info
Malli/Patter: Shalom cardigan by Meghan McFarlane
Lanka/Yarn: ONline Linie 130 Champ
Puikot/Needles: 6
perjantai 6. maaliskuuta 2009
Leidi pinkissä/Lady in pink
Sain vihdoin ja viimein, kolmen kuukauden rankan neulontaurakan jälkeen, valmiiksi Hanne Falkenbergin Mermaid -takin.Siitä tuli upea, mutta ei näin hyvällä ohjeella muuta voi tullakaan.
Punainen lanka meinasi loppua, mutta Knit.dk ja Cucumberbatch lähettivät minulle lisää lankaa ja sain takin valmiiksi. Värit ovat juuri oikeat minulle ja luulen, että tästä taitaa tulla uusi lempitakkini.
Finally, after three months of hard work, I finished the Hanne Falkenberg's Mermaid jacket. The outcome is gorgeous, but what else you can expect when the design is so good?
The red yarn ran out before the jacket was ready, but I got new yarn from Knit.dk and Cucumberbatch. The colors are just right for me. I think this is going to be my new favorite jacket.
tiistai 24. helmikuuta 2009
Ihania kirjoneuleita/Beautiful colored knits
Olen aina pitänyt Sjöden Gudrunin värikkäistä vaatteista ja kuin sattumalta löysin kirjan, jonka neuleet ovat aivan samantyylisiä. Norjalainen neulesuunnittelija Solveig Hisdal on tehnyt loistavan kirjan, jonka innoittajana ovat olleet museoista löytyneet vanhat tekstiilit.
Valitettavasti kirjan ”Kuviot silmukoiksi, nostalgisia neuleita” painos on loppuunmyyty, mutta sain ruotsinkielisen version Adlibriksestä. Nyt ainoa ongelmani on, minkä näistä neuleista tekisin ensin.
I have always loved the colorful cloths of Sjöden Gudrun and by chance I happened to find a book that has the same style of knitted pullovers and jackets. The Norwegian designer, Solveig Hisdal, has made a gorgeous book "Poetry in Stiches" full of colored knits. The old textiles found from the museums inspired her to make this book.
Unfortunately the Finnish translation of this book was sold out, but I ordered the Swedish translation from Adlibris. Now the only problem is to decide what jacket I will knit first.
perjantai 20. helmikuuta 2009
Helmikoruja/Jewelry projects
I attended to jewelry making course and I managed to finish two bracelets and two necklaces during the week end. Using the beading wire took a lot of time, but the technique was worth learning. I could make more of these if only I had 48 hours in one day.
Projektitiedot/Project info
- muovihelmiä/plastic beads
- 0.6 mm paksuista metallilankaa/ 0.6 mm dia beading wire
- peruslukko ja lukkolenkki/lobster claw claps and jump ring
Projektitiedot/Project info
- metallihelmiä/metal beads
- 0.6 mm paksuista metallilankaa/0.6 mm dia beading wire
- lukkosetti/necklage clasp set
Projektitiedot/Project info
- kaikki tarvikkeet "C.H.I.Q Forget me not" -korupaketista/All supplies from the jewelry kit "C.H.I.Q Forget me not"
sunnuntai 15. helmikuuta 2009
Merenneito-takki/Mermaid jacket
I bought last November the yarn and pattern for the Mermaid jacket of Hanne Falkenberg. Now the jacket seems to be almost ready, only one sleeve is missing. My wish is that the cold winter days won't vanish before I finish this lovely jacket.
Projektitietoa/Project info
Malli/Patter: Mermaid
Lanka/Yarn: Hanne Falkenberg No. 2 Shetland
Puikot/Needles: 2.5