My daughter's Robin Hood jacket is ready and the outcome is absolutely lovely. My daughter wanted immediately to wear it and luckily I managed to take few pictures before she climbed to the three and jumped to the sandheap. Well, cloths are made for using and I'm glad the owner of this jacket thinks that the jacket suits for playing.
Koska valitsemani lanka oli ohutta jouduin lisäämään silmukoita kappaleiden reunoille ja
toistamaan palmikkokuviota monta kertaa enemmän kuin ohjeessa ilmoitetun määrän. Tein seuraavat muokkaukset ohjeeseen:

Since the yarn I chose was thin I had to add extra sticthes to the each side of the back, front and sleeve parts. I also had to repeat cable pattern more often than in the original pattern. I made following modifications to the pattern:
Takakappale/Back: +3 s kumpaankin reunaan/+3 s to each side
Etukappale/Front: + 3 s sivureunaan/+ 3 s to the seam side
Hihat/Sleeves: +3 s kumpaankin reunaan, hihan pituus 30 cm/+ 3 s to each side, length of the sleeve 30 cm
Projektitietoa/Project info
Malli/Pattern: Robin Hood jacket by Zoë Mellor
Lanka/Yarn: Hjerte Garn's Roma
Puikot/Needles: 4
Langankulutus/Yarn Consumption: 350 g
Noniin, sehän epäilyksistäsi huolimatta valmistui! Hyvännäköinen takki! :)