My oldest daughter has wished for a new cardigan for a very long time. The choice of the color was very clear: it had to be pink. I had already found the perfect yarn earlier, but at the beginning of March I had time to start this project. I have not knitted raglan sleeves before, but the pattern was very clear and I didn't have any problems to make the sleeves. The challenging point for me was that the pattern was for a 120 size child and I needed to knit 120 cm size for my daughter.

Malli/Pattern: Sikuurina by Katja Kvintus
Puikot/Needles: 3,5 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Baby Cashmerino by Debbie Bliss
Kulutus/Consumption: 300 g
Tein seuraavat muutokset/I made following modifications:
Etu-ja takakpl
- loin 168 s ja neuloin kunnes neuleen korkeus oli 32 cm. Normaalit 6 s kavennukset hihoja varten.
- Loin 34 s ja tein lisäykset ohjeen mukaan. Yhteensä minulla oli 64 s hihaa varten. Neuloin, kunnes korkeus oli 32 cm.
-Tein kavennuksia raglanhihalle, kunnes jäljellä oli 84 s. Tämän jälkeen seurasin ohjetta.
- I casted on 168 s and knitted until the body was 32 cm long. Then casted off 6 s per each side for the sleeves.
- I casted on 34s and then made the additions as said in the pattern. All together I had 68 s for the sleeve.
Combining the sleeves and the body:
- I made casts offs for the raglan sleeves until there were 84 s left. Then I followed the pattern.
Lopulliset mitat/Finished measurements after blocking:
Hihan sisämitta/Sleeve (under arm): 32 cm
Etukpl hihasaumaan/Body (to under arm): 32 cm
Koko etukpl/Total height of the body: 51 cm
Leveys helmasta/Hem width: 86 cm
Leveys rinnankorkeudelta/Chest width: 70 cm
Hihoista tuli sentin verran liian pitkät, mutta onpahan kasvuvaraa.
The sleeves ended up to be 1-2 cm too long, but the posivitive side is that the cardigan can be worn longer.
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