I tested the Bamboo sock pattern to Fishie in Ravelry's free test pattern group. The pattern was easy to follow even though this was the first toe-up sock I have ever made. The pattern was not difficult at all, but I have to admit that in the beginning I thought that I can't finish these.
Projektitiedot/Project data
Malli/Pattern: Bamboo by Fishie (Ravelry pattern)
Puikot/Needles: 2.5 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Sisu by SandnessGarn
Langankulutus/Yarn consumption: 80 g
Heti kun sain sukkaparin valmiiksi piti lankavarastoa täydentää uusilla lankoilla. Suuntasimme kaverini kanssa Ogelin liikekeskukseen Oulunkylään ja siellä Lankamaailma Nordiaan. Paikka oli neulojan unelma: Halli täynnä lankoja ja vielä enemmän lankoja. Ostin tyttöjen kesätakkeihin HjerteGarn:n Bommix Bamboo -lankaa ja ensi syksyn sukkiin Schoppel Wollen Cracy Zauerballin.
As soon as I had finished the Bamboo socks I felt that I had to fill in my yarn stock. Me and my friend headed towards the Lankamaailma Nordia in the shopping center of Ogeli.The yarn shop was like a knitter's dream come true: a big hall full of yarns. I bought HjerteGarn's Bommix Bamboo yarn for girls summer cardigans and one skein of Schoppel Wolle's Crazy Zauerball for socks.

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