Lanka on puhdasta puuvillaa, joten varsinkin kiinnitysnauhoihin piti jättää kunnolla venymisvaraa.
I finished couples of days ago a summer top for my oldest daughter. It came out so lovely that I instantly decided to knit second top to my youngest daughter. The yarn and the pattern bring warm summer days, ice cream and butterflies to my mind. Not bad for a summer top.
The yarn is 100 % cotton, so I had to take into account that especially the straps are going to stretch a lot.
Projektitiedot/Project data
Malli/Pattern: Tropical Lily, Georgie Hallam
Puikot/Needles: 3,5 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Katia Bombay
Langankulutus/Yarn consumption: 170 g
Tehdyt muutokset/Modifications made:
Nauhat: Käytin olkainten tekemiseen 7 silmukkaa, olkainten pituus 30 cm
Straps: I used 7 stitches, 30 cm long (I have not calculated the rows made)Yläosan muotoilu: Tein aina kavennuskierrosten väliin 3 kierrosta sileää neulosta, jotta yläosasta tulisi näin ohkaisella langalla hieman pidempi.
Shaping of the bodice: I made extra 3 rows (1 purl row, 1 knit row and 1 purl row) between the decrease rows in order to get more length to the bodice.
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