Projektitiedot/Project data
Helmet/Beads: Dress it up bead company
Lukot/clasps: 15 mm, 20 mm
Koruvaijeri/beading wire: 0,45 mm
Kaikki tarvikkeet Sinellistä. All supplies from Sinelli.
It has been a while since I last made jewelry. I decided to make a bracelet and a necklace to my friend. I had promised to make a new jewelry in order to replace the broken ones I had made earlier. I chose silver and burgundy for the main colors, because both me and my friend love these colors. This time I used beading wire instead of nylon yarn. I hope that this solution makes the bracelet and necklace last longer.
En voinut olla aloittamatta uutta neuletyötä ja niinpä aloin neuloa tytöille uusia kesätoppeja. Langaksi valikoitui puhdas puuvillalanka, Katia Bombay. Langassa on ihanat värit ja topin malli vaikuttaa hyvältä.
I couldn't be without knitting and I had to start a new project. I'm making a new summer tops for my girls. I chose Katia's bombay for this project for it's gorgeous colors and because it is 100 % cotton.
Projektitiedot/Project data
Malli/Pattern: Tropical Lily by Georgie Hallam (Ravelry, available in Ravelry)
Puikot/Needles: 3,5 mm
Lanka/Yarn: Katia Bombay
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