My friend surprised me and sent me a very pleasant birthday gift. I got a pattern, beads and jewelry thread for a bracelet. Pearls were all different shades of violet and the bracelet turn out gorgeous. The pattern was simply and I made this bracelet during one children TV program, approximately in half an hour. All the supplies were from Helmimeri, Tampere.
Projektitiedot/Project data
Helmet, lanka, lukot: Helmimeri
Helmet, lanka, lukot: Helmimeri
Beads, thread, claps: Helmimeri
Onnistunut rannekoru ja uusi paita saivat minut innostumaan uuden kaulakorun tekemisestä. Päät

The bracelet and the new shirt of mine inspired me to make another jewelry. I decided to make a neclace from the old pearls I bought last autumn.
Projektitiedot/Project data
Helmet, lanka, lukot: Vanhaa varastoa
Beads, thread, claps: from stash