Ensimmäisenä saivat paidat kummipoikani ja hänen isoveljensä. Kaavat otin Ottobren lehdestä ja kankaat löytyivät kesälomareissulla Joensuun Rantakylästä, Artex nimisestä kangaskaupasta. Artexissa oli ihania Znokin kankaita ja hyvä palvelu. Kannattaa vierailla!
Paitoihin tuli kaksinkertaiset hihansuut, eri värisistä trikoista ja kaksoistikkaukset saumoihin. Tikkaukset tein tavallisella ompelukoneella, kaksoisneulaa käyttäen.
It has been a while since I last updated this blog. Meanwhile I have knitted, but mostly I have sewed with my new overlocker. It arrived about week ago and I'm more than happy. First I considered buying an overlocker from an internet store, but then I ended up ordering that from the local fabric shop, because they offered me good service and a quite good price too. The shipping cost nothing to me and it took only two days the machine to arrive.
During my summer vacation I found beautiful Znok design fabrics from Joensuu, Artex fabric shop and I instantly decided to make shirts for my godson and to his brother. I hope the little boys like their new shirts.
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Uusi työkaveri, Berninä 800 DL. My new workmate, Berninä 800 DL. |
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Pikkupoikien paidat./Shirts for the little boys.
Kangas/Fabric: Znok Design
Kaavat/Patterns: Ottobre, 4/2008
Koko/Size: 116 cm, 134 cm
Kankaan menekki/Fabric consumption: 70 cm per paita/ 70 cm for each
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